A no bullshit blog about weightloss.
In two days I will be 27. That's LATE TWENTIES! Aaaah!
It's looming over my head, like a dark cloud. Late twenties. No longer "mid" or "early"...late. Late implies something. It implies I have my shit together more than I do (or should). It implies I'm no longer a child, but a full fledged adult. There are no more excuses for fuck-ups.
Looking at my life compared to this time last year, I'm better off. In less debt. Smaller (with more muscle!). Happier. However, I am a habitual comparison shopper. And frankly, I don't measure up to my friends.
70% are happily married or in successful long term relationships
90% are debt free
95% own their own home, or rent a nice apartment
I can't help but thinking, for as far as I have come....I am so far behind the curve.
Sure, I like my job (more so lately), I have a college degree, I'm pretty well-respected in the industry...
But, I'm single. Single and still fat and living at home b/c of my mound of debt.
Now, that debt is smaller, and the fat is 62 pounds less....but that doesn't factor into my self-disappointment. I'm not where I want to be at this point in my life.
I often wonder if others set "goals" in regards to their age. By 22 I will do X....by 27 I will do Z. Am I the only one who puts so much emphasis on age?! Maybe...
I wrote this, then I reread it and I thought "I want to post it...but I want to force myself to focus on the positive too". So, in that spirit, here is 27 things I love about myself. While I like making lists, this one was painful to come up with!
1. My giggle. I have a seriously cute giggle, and I love to laugh.