Saturday, November 8, 2008

No Fat Chicks

D and I talked about this recently....and I thought I'd share.

In high school, someone decided the phrase "No Fat Chicks" was hysterical. It made it's way onto lockers, t-shirts, posters etc. I hated it. But, I was surprised when a friend from HS said "Oh we don't mean you!". Uh...I'm fat, and I'm a chick. How could you NOT mean me?! *sigh*

I suppose it was because I was so bubbly, and sparkly...I was always upbeat. I went to HS with 2 other "fat chicks" and they were total bitches. Angry, hateful bitches. No one liked being around them.

Nonetheless, I hate the phrase. I hate shows like Family Guy for having fat guys like Peter Griffin constantly pick on his (NOT) fat daughter, calling her "fattie". I HATE that word! HATE!

Why is it socially acceptable for men to be fat, but not women? Men are "big", "built", "intimidating". Fat women? We're trash. It boggles my mind.

Now there are some exceptions....and there are some opposites.

I have had boyfriends (cute ones at that!) and none of them have been fat. I do have a group of fantastic friends who love me no matter what. But, this rant is directed at society. Society is cruel.

Society (at least the majority) have lumped fat people in with lepers. Avoid at all costs. I can understand how it started....especially since I have seen the stereotypical fat people - the ones who are so tragic they belong on Jerry Springer. I just wish we didn't ALL get a bad rep just because of some bad apples.

So we have the fat haters on one side... then we have the fat lovers. Yes, I said fat lovers.

Last December I went to a show w/ one of my BFF's, Rachel. It was a "big gal" dance troupe - and being bellydancers, we were all about supporting local artists. Well, we got a lot more than we bargained for. These women were all size 16+ and they loved being fat. LOVED. They called each other "Fattie" and "Chubs". They sang SONGS about loving their flab, and they were generally just ridiculous.

They also tried to recruit me. I was fat, I had a booty and I could dance. I was perfect!

I was perfectly fucking mortified. Why in God's name would I want to SING and DANCE (in gross, unflattering little outfits) about being fat!???! I was a thin person trapped in a fat body. I refused to join them.

Now, I am not anti-self love. I'm all about loving yourself, and loving what you've got. However, when you are literally too fat to walk 50 feet w/ out being out of breath....and all your clothes are 4 sizes too small..... you look like a fool.

Oh, one more creepy factor in this whole thing...they had stalkers. Yup. Men (usually 50+, sketchy as all hell and ugly) who were "Fattie Lovers".
(I couldn't even make this up if I tried... )
They bought calendars, t-shirts and posters. It was odd. Just odd. How can you love someone just for being fat?!

Side note: 92% of these women were huge bitches. Bitchy and fat? What a combo.

So I hate the fat haters...and the fat lovers. I suppose that seems weird eh? Shouldn't I be on someones side? Nope. I'm on my own side.

I have a booty...I have more than curves....and I want more than this. I want to be healthier, and with that comes weight loss.

I will never be a size 2, but I will also never be happy being a size 22. That's just me.

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